2021, Number 2
Descriptive study of patients with viral-etiology liver cirrhosis in the province of Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: viral etiology liver cirrhosis is an impacting health problem around the world, not only because of its high prevalence rate but also because of the costs generated by its medical care.Objective: to determine the behavior of the patients with viral etiology liver cirrhosis in the province of Matanzas.
Materials and methods: a descriptive-retrospective study was carried out in 47 patients with viral etiology liver cirrhosis treated in the service of Gastroenterology of the Hospital “Comandante Faustino Perez” of Matanzas, from January 2016 to January 2018. The results of the analyzed variables were shown in double-entry tables.
Results: 68.1% of the patients presented cirrhosis caused by C virus, Patients elder 50 years old predominated, with 4-6.9 log10, treated in ambulatory regimen. Endoscopic signs of portal hypertension were found in 57.4%. It was corroborated with liver Doppler. Ascites associated to different sepsis were the most frequently registered complications. 55.4% were classified as Child-Pugh A, and 76.6% were in compensated clinical stage.
Conclusions: viral liver cirrhosis diagnosis and follow-up is still a true challenge for the medical community, and hence the efforts that should be made to control it from the compensated stages to delay the appearance of complications.
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