2023, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (1)
Analysis of Medical Specialists Graduated in Mexico from 2012 to 2018. National Study
Heinze G, Guízar-Sánchez D, Bernard-Fuentes N
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 47-54
PDF size: 203.03 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the educational quality of graduates through the following academic indicators:
a. Occupational mobility, b. Number and type of scientific publications, c. Publication of chapters or
medical literature, d. Postgraduate studies, and e. Certification by the corresponding specialty board.
Method: descriptive cross-sectional study. Different databases were reviewed, the following stand
out: 1. List of graduates. 2. Registry of the different specialties; National Regulatory Committee of
Medical Specialties Councils to know both the certification status, and in the General Management
of Professions, belonging to the Ministry of Public Education, the professional certificate status.
3. Index of journal authors (PubMed, Embase, Medline), 4. Databases of medical insurance and
health institutions in Mexico and 5. Databases of Postgraduate Degrees in Medicine
Results: The
academic indicators of 14,770 medical specialists who graduated from the Sub-direction of Medical
Specialties of the unam in the last six years were analyzed. The trajectory of the graduates shows a
gradual increase in the percentage of board certifications, number of published articles, and postgraduate
courses. Nearly 60% of the specialists work in Mexico’s three largest cities.
the number of graduated specialists is insufficient in quantity and distribution to cover the health
needs of the country. Despite the increase in scientific production, there is still a need to increase
the number of research projects, and scientific publications by graduates. It is necessary to rethink
medical specialty programs in accordance with health care needs, and the international context.
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