2021, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2021; 18 (2)
School stress in COVID-19 quarantine in adolescents and their families
Cañón BSC, Agudelo HAF, Pérez AJM, Díaz PCJ, Sánchez HLV, Rodríguez SKY
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 302.48 Kb.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic drastically impacted lifestyles. The necessary strategy of isolation to avoid contagion led to an increase in psychosocial risks in children, adolescents and their families, such as negative coping with stress, negligent parenting practices, domestic violence, substance abuse, among others.
Objective: To determine school stress in students during COVID-19 quarantine.
Methods: The research was developed under a quantitative approach; cross-sectional, observational, analytical. A total of 1395 adolescents participated. For data collection, a Google form was used to determine school stress, based on an instrument validated in Colombia.
Results: Among the most frequent mental health diagnoses, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was found, followed by anxiety disorder and depression. Ninety-two percent of the participants reported concern about their academic performance, likewise 60.2% reported feeling nervous when talking to their parents about their school performance and 62.5% reported feeling nervous about not understanding what was explained in class.
Conclusions: It was found that a large part of the participants showed symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress due to the uncertainty of the pandemic. Likewise, a high perception of alteration of daily routines, greater stress due to academic performance and an improvement in the affective family bond was also evidenced.
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