2022, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2022; 29 (4)
Association Between Knowledge of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Clinical Severity in Women
Rodríguez-Esquivel LA, Martini-Blanquel HA, Durán-Rafael Y
Language: English
References: 20
Page: 223-228
PDF size: 151.59 Kb.
Objective: to determine the association
between knowledge about chronic
venous insufficiency and clinic severity
in women attending a family medicine
Methods: cross-sectional and
analytical study in 280 women with
chronic venous insufficiency. The instrument
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Knowledge, which evaluates theoretical
knowledge about the disease, was
applied. The clinical severity of the
disease was determined by means of the
Venous Clinical Severity Score instrument,
which independently measures
clinical manifestations of the disease.
Spearman’s rho coefficient was used to assess
the correlation between the degree of
knowledge and clinical severity.
the overall assessment of knowledge of
chronic venous insufficiency placed most
of the participants at a low level (68%).
A strong negative correlation was found
between knowledge-presence of pain
(Spearman’s rho coefficient of -0.611,
p=0.000) and knowledge-presence of venous
edema (Spearman’s rho coefficient
of -0.648, p=0.000). When analyzing the
correlation between knowledge and the
presence of varicose veins, a moderate
correlation was reported (Spearman’s rho
coefficient -0.450, p=0.000), as well as
with skin pigmentation (Spearman’s rho
coefficient -0.464, p=0.000). The rest of
the clinical severity topics reported a low
Conclusions: low knowledge
of chronic venous insufficiency is a
risk factor for the severity of the disease.
Therefore, it is vital to consider the implementation
of educational strategies
aimed at patients to improve knowledge
and thus prevent disease progression.
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