2022, Number 4
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Rev CONAMED 2022; 27 (4)
Attitude in the achievement of satisfaction
Castro NRA, Sánchez MCA, Meneses HO
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 196-202
PDF size: 98.00 Kb.
Among the elements that were analyzed for this article, the role of the intrinsic and motivating factors for the achievement of personal satisfaction stands out, which promote well-being and positively affect the personal sphere in all its aspects, however, when one of them is lacking, the result can be negative. The intention then, understanding that the attitude is an intrinsic factor, through this research is to warn if there is any kind of link between the attitude with which the workers face the circumstances and the personal satisfaction or dissatisfaction that is displayed in the work environment. In this way we conclude with the effects of job dissatisfaction or satisfaction in the field of workers' health, in order to prevent possible occupational risks and take action to promote their general well-being.
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