2022, Number 3
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2022; 20 (3)
Effectiveness of low level laser in alopecia, published scientific evidence
Esquerra PO, Macías MAI, Saavedra COG, Capilla GMH, Hernández CAA, Fernández-Crehuet P
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 343-349
PDF size: 145.59 Kb.
Introduction: photobiomodulation or low level laser therapy
(LLLT) is an emerging therapy in the treatment of various forms
of alopecia; however, despite being an accesible and safe treatment,
its clinical effectiveness has not been systematically evaluated.
Material and methods: a systematic review was performed
in main databases to evaluate clinical effectiveness.
Results: 32 studies were included, 42% for androgenic alopecia.
LLLT is an effective therapy in increasing density and thickness
of terminal hair, without major adverse effects in AGA without
standardized protocols. In alopecia areata, its effectiveness
was found in disease activity and regrowth, except in extensive
or established forms. In lichenoide lymphocytic alopecia, five
reported cases show a decrease in acute symptoms such as
peripillary scale and an improvement in cosmetic perception.
Conclusions: LLLT is an effective and accepted therapy for
some types of alopecia (especially in AGA), without major adverse
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