2022, Número 3
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2022; 20 (3)
Minoxidil en el tratamiento de las alopecias: revisión bibliográfica y guía práctica para su uso
Ruiz-Arriaga LF, Manríquez RA, Vega SDC, Arenas R, Guevara-Sanginés E
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 44
Paginas: 350-357
Archivo PDF: 291.95 Kb.
El minoxidil es un fármaco que se desarrolló como antihipertensivo
por su efecto vasodilatador; las principales agencias reguladoras
de todo el mundo lo aprobaron para su uso tópico
para el tratamiento de la alopecia androgénica, tanto de patrón
masculino como femenino, y también por su efecto positivo
en el crecimiento del pelo en otras alopecias en grado variable.
En esta revisión se describe la farmacocinética, la farmacodinamia,
las vías y presentaciones para su administración, usos
aprobados en dermatología, usos no aprobados, contraindicaciones,
eficacia y seguridad.
Se recopilaron las preguntas más comunes asociadas con el
uso de minoxidil en la práctica clínica, se les dio respuesta con la
evidencia científica más reciente y de mayor calidad disponible.
Randolph M y Tosti A Oral minoxidil treatment for hair loss: a reviewof efficacy and safety, J Am Acad Dermatol 2021; 84(3):737-6.
Heymann WR, Coming full circle (almost): low dose oral minoxidil foralopecia, J Am Acad Dermatol 2021; 84(3):613-4.
Suchonwanit P, Thammarucha S y Leerunyakul K, Minoxidil and itsuse in hair disorders: a review, Drug Des Devel Ther 2019; 13:2777-86.
Sinclair R, Trindade de Carvalho L, Ferial Ismail F y Meah N, Treatmentof male and female pattern hair loss with sublingual minoxidil:a retrospective case-series of 64 patients, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol2020; 34(12):e795-6.
Pontes Cerqueira Uzel B, Soares Takano GH, Cabral Nunes Chartuni Jet al., Intradermal injections with 0.5% minoxidil for the treatment offemale androgenetic alopecia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial,Dermatol Ther 2021; 34(1):e14622.
El-Rahim Abdallah MA, Shareef R y Soltan MY, Efficacy of intradermalminoxidil 5% injections for treatment of patchy non-severe alopeciaareata, J Dermatolog Treat 2022; 33(2):1126-9.
Merino de Paz N, Vázquez-Rodríguez C, Ramírez-Fernández G et al.,Mesotherapy with dutasteride and minoxidil in treatment of androgeneticalopecia, J Am Acad Dermatol 2018; 79(3):Sup1 ab190.
Alsahi W, Alalola A, Randolph M et al., Novel drug delivery approachesfor the management of hair loss, Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2020;17(3):287-95.
Angelo T, Barbalho GN, Gelfuso GM et al., Minoxidil topical treatmentmay be more efficient if applied on damp scalp in comparison withdry scalp, Dermatol Ther 2016; 29(5):330-3.
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Contin LA, Alopecia androgenética masculina tratada com microagulhamentoisolado e associado a minoxidil injetável pela técnica demicroinfusão de medicamentos pela pele, Surg Cosmet Dermatol 2016;8:158-61.
Ramos PM, Gohad P, McCoy J, Wambier C y Goren A, Minoxidilsulfotransferase enzyme (sult1a1) genetic variants predicts responseto oral minoxidil treatment for female pattern hair loss, J Eur AcadDermatol Venereol 2021; 35(1):e24-6.
Ramos PM, Goren A, Sinclair R y Miot HA, Oral minoxidil bio-activationby hair follicle outer root sheath cell sulfotransferase enzymespredicts clinical efficacy in female pattern hair loss, J Eur Acad DermatolVenereol 2020; 34(1):e40-1.
Goren A y Naccarato T, Minoxidil in the treatment of androgeneticalopecia, Dermatol Ther 2018; 31(5):e12686.
Goren A, Sharma A, Dhurat R, Shapiro J, Sinclair R, Situm M, KovacevicM, Lukinovic Skudar V, Goldust M, Lotti T y McCoy J, Low-dose dailyaspirin reduces topical minoxidil efficacy in androgenetic alopecia patients,Dermatol Ther 2018; 31(6):e12741.
Villani A, Fabbrocini G, Ocampo-Candiani J, Ruggiero A y Ocampo-Garza SS, Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders:in search of the perfect dose, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021;35(7):1485-92.
Katzer T, Leite Junior A, Beck R y Da Silva C, Physiopathology and currenttreatments of androgenetic alopecia: going beyond androgensand anti-androgens, Dermatol Ther 2019; 32(5):e13059.
Beach RA, McDonald KA, Barrett BM y Abdel-Qadir H, Side effectsof low-dose oral minoxidil for treating alopecia, J Am Acad Dermatol,2021; 84(5):e239-40.
Stoehr JR, Choi JN, Colavincenzo M y Vanderweil S, Off-label useof topical minoxidil in alopecia: a review, Am J Clin Dermatol 2019;
20:237-50.20. Olamiju B y Craiglow BG, Combination oral minoxidil and spironolactonefor the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in adolescent girls, JAm Acad Dermatol 2021; 84(6):1689-91.
Lemes LR, Melo DF, De Oliveira DS, De La-Rocque M, Zompero C yRamos PM, Topical and oral minoxidil for hair disorders in pediatricpatients: what do we know so far, Dermatol Ther 2020:e13950.
Sharma AN, Michelle L, Juhasz M, Muller Ramos P y AtanaskovaMesinkovska N, Low-dose oral minoxidil as treatment for non-scarringalopecia: a systematic review, Int J Dermatol 2020; 59(8):1013-9.
Chen L, Zhang J, Wang L, Wang H y Chen B, The efficacy and safetyof finasteride combined with topical minoxidil for androgenetic alopecia: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Aesthetic Plast Surg 2020;44(3):962-70.
Van Zuuren EJ y Fedorowicz Z, Interventions for female pattern hairloss, jama Dermatol 2017; 153:329-30.
Ortega-Quijano D, Jiménez-Cauhe J, Fernández-Nieto D, Saceda-Corralo D y Vañó-Galvan S, Comment on “Low dose oral minoxidilfor treating alopecia: a 3-year North American retrospective case series”:adding further evidence about side effects, J Am Acad Dermatol2021; 84(5):e237-8.
Gomolin A, Litvinov IV y Netchiporouk E, Oral minoxidil: a possiblenew therapy for androgenetic alopecia, J Cutan Med Surg 2020;24(1):88-9.
Jha AK, Sonthalia S, Zeeshan MD y Vinay K, Efficacy and safety ofvery-low-dose oral minoxidil 1.25 mg in male androgenetic alopecia, JAm Acad Dermatol 2020; 83(5):1491-3.
Godwin M, The effectiveness of treatments for androgenetic alopecia:a systematic review and meta-analysis, J Am Acad Dermatol 2017;77(1):136-41.e5.
Panchaprateep R y Lueangarun S, Efficacy and safety of oral minoxidil5 mg once daily in the treatment of male patients with androgeneticalopecia: an open-label and global photographic assessment, DermatolTher (Heidelberg) 2020; 10(6):1345-57.
Pirmez R y Salas-Callo CI, Very-low-dose oral minoxidil in male androgeneticalopecia: a study with quantitative trichoscopic documentation,J Am Acad Dermatol 2020; 82(1):e21-2.
Ramos PM, Sinclair RD, Kasprzak M y Miot HA, Minoxidil 1 mg oralversus minoxidil 5% topical solution for the treatment of female-patternhair loss: a randomized clinical trial, J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82(1):252-3.
Gupta AK, Venkataraman M, Talukder M et al., Relative efficacy ofminoxidil and the 5-α reductase inhibitors in androgenetic alopeciatreatment of male patients a network meta-analysis, jama Dermatol2022. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.5743.
Perera E y Sinclair R, Treatment of chronic telogen effluvium withoral minoxidil: a retrospective study, F1000Res. 2017; 6:1650.
Vañó-Galván S, Trindade de Carvalho L, Saceda-Corralo D, Rodrigues-Barata R, Kerkemeyer KL, Sinclair RD, Hermosa-Gelbard Á, Moreno-Arrones ÓM, Jiménez-Cauhe J y Bhoyrul B, Oral minoxidil improvesbackground hair thickness in lichen planopilaris, J Am Acad Dermatol2021; 84(6):1684-6.
Sanabria B, Vanzela TN, Miot HA y Müller Ramos P, Adverse effectsof low-dose oral minoxidil for androgenetic alopecia in 435 patients, JAm Acad Dermatol 2021; 84(4):1175-8.
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Jiménez-Cauhe J, Saceda-Corralo D, Rodrigues-Barata R, Hermosa-Gelbard A, Moreno-Arrones OM, Fernández-Nieto D y Vañó-GalvánS, Effectiveness and safety of low-dose oral minoxidil in male androgeneticalopecia, J Am Acad Dermatol 2019; 81(2):648-9.
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