2020, Number 1
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2020; 48 (1)
Correlation between values of Epworth Sleep Scale with arousal index in polisomnography of sleep apnea patients
Aguas AJD, Guzmán-Ortiz KA, Delgado N, Urzola J
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 46-52
PDF size: 209.45 Kb.
Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea is a disease characterized by recurrent obstruction
or collapse of the upper airway. Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) assesses
the subjective daytime sleepiness of patients with a questionnaire, being this the
most used in nowadays. It’s been found that the arousals produced during sleep
disorders can develop excessive daytime sleepiness.
Objective: To describe a correlation
between arousal index and ESS. Design: Analytic descriptive cross-sectional
Methodology: Review of sleep study, obtain values of ESS and arousal index
and then describe a possible correlation between them. Results: 130 patients were
assessed and it was established that there is no statistically significant correlation
between the ESS values and the arousal index.
Discussion: The subjectivity of ESS
can lead to finding some variation in the tested outcomes; on the other hand, it’s
important to keep in mind that there are other factors that can improve the daytime
sleepiness measured with ESS, such as increased nocturnal hypoxemia. Furthermore,
it’s convenient to identify that there are other elements of sleep microstructure
that can generate different results when comparing its definition and taking arousal
parameters into account, such as the cyclic alternative pattern and its subtypes.
There is no correlation between ESS and arousal index.
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