2022, Number 22
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CuidArte 2022; 11 (22)
Analysis of the application of statistical knowledge in nursing theses
Alonso RA, Alonso TJ, Valera MMM, Cuevas GL
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 20-34
PDF size: 176.26 Kb.
Introduction. Elaborated from a quantitative perspective, a thesis requires the rigorous application of various
statistical procedures, including specific estimators and hypothesis tests. However, theoretical and practical
knowledge of statistics is essential to achieve coherence between the research question, the hypothesis, and the
statistical procedures.
Objective. To analyze the application of statistical knowledge in the theses of graduate nursing
students in a post-secondary educational institution in Mexico.
Methodology. An observational, prospective, and
cross-sectional study was developed. Statistical knowledge was considered as the main variable, reported based
on the grouping variable (“research levels”). A sample of 55 theses retrieved from the Tesis-UNAM platform was
analyzed. The statistical analysis plan included the reporting of proportions of the categories observed.
56% of theses presented methodological coherence. Descriptive, relational, explanatory, and predictive theses
made up 36.4%, 29.1%, 27.3%, and 7.3% of the total, respectively. 95% of theses had a categorical type as their
main variable. Statistics and specific estimators were applied in all theses. In most cases, the interpretation
of the p value was correct.
Conclusion. It is concluded that there is significant progress in the development
of theses at various levels of research, with similar proportions of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate
studies. Most importantly, predictive theses have already been carried out, albeit still in a low proportion.
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