2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2021; 47 (2)
Impact of COVID-19 disease on pregnancy
Mendoza QJ, Medina SC, Torres GS, Caballero AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 74
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 455.35 Kb.
Introduction: At the end of 2019 in Wuhan-China, atypical pneumonias were reported; a new coronavirus was the cause. It was designated as SARS-CoV-2 and is responsible for millions of infections and thousands of deaths worldwide. Pregnant women are a vulnerable population against viral infections of the respiratory tract due to the physiological changes at this stage.
Objectives: To carry out a bibliographic review to identify the impact of SARS-CoV2 infection during pregnancy and its relationship with maternal complications.
Methods: A review of the information in the Medline / Pubmed, BVS and Scopus databases is carried out, using the terms COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, pregnancy.
Analysis and synthesis of the information: Pregnant women generally have mild forms of the disease, however, there is evidence in the reviewed literature that these women have high risk of complications, such as preterm delivery and fetal distress, which is why it is required maternal and fetal monitoring. Likewise, no evidence of vertical transmission has been found.
Conclusions: A vigilance of both the mother and her product is required during the disease period because there is risk of fetal distress and preterm delivery. The evidence found is not enough to suggest a possible vertical transmission and its impact on the newborn, so vaginal delivery is considered appropriate as the first choice, and reserving cesarean delivery only when obstetrically necessary.
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