2020, Number 2
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2020; 48 (2)
Polisomnographic results of adult patients with bilateral vocal cord paralysis and diagnosis of hypopnea sleep apnea syndrome managed with posterior cordectomy: study before-after
Solano RCA, Delgado SLC, Hernández AVJ, Camilo PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 154-164
PDF size: 230.82 Kb.
Background: bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVFP) and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea
syndrome (OSAHS) are pathologies that generate respiratory limitation. As
they are obstructive airway diseases, it is reasonable to consider a possible relationship.
Materials and methods: a before and after study was performed, in two university
centers in Bogotá, frequencies and measures of central tendency were described. The
McNemar BoWker and paired T or Wilcoxon tests were used, considering p ‹0.05
Results: 14 patients were managed with transverse posterior cordectomy.
100 % were female and the mean age of 51.2±10.73 years. The average BMI was
25.42±5.4, 50 % had normal BMI. OSAHS severity was mild 42.9 %, moderate 28.6
% and severe 28.6 % disease classification. The intervention was successful in 64.28
%, there was a 54 % reduction in presurgical Apnea Hypopnea Index compared to
the post-surgical one (p = 0.029), 85.6 % reduction in the index of obstructive apneas
(p = 0.017), in the index of hypopneas in 52 % (p = 0.028) and sleep latency
in 33.3 % (p = 0.025). Other variables showed no significant differences (p ›0.05).
Conclusions: the results described show a statistically significant relationship between
OSAHS and BVFP. Patients with BVFP benefited from the use of posterior
cordectomy as a therapeutic intervention reducing the severity rates of OSAHS and
thus improving the quality of life of patients.
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