2022, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (2)
Cognitive-behavioral intervention program in young people with drug abuse problems
Rentería CR, Pérez SLC, Lapuente GF, Fernández FAA, Carrillo SI
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 568-588
PDF size: 505.03 Kb.
Drug use is one of the major public health problems in many developed and
underdeveloped countries. The rehabilitation and recovery of users who go
through this disease is a difficult process due to the loss of meaning and
satisfaction with the life they present. However, despite being a complex
problem that cannot be addressed from a single treatment model,
cognitive-behavioral therapeutic processes are appropriate rehabilitation
and / or recovery resources for effective maintenance of abstinence. In view
of the above, the present study has been set as an objective: to implement
and evaluate the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral intervention
program in drug-dependent users, emphasizing the strengthening of their
senses and life projects. It is a quantitative cross-sectional investigation,
pre-experimental design with an intervention group that underwent a pretest-
post-test as scientific evidence. The measurement instruments used
were: Questionnaire for drug use, Life satisfaction scale and Life meaning
scale. The results indicated a decrease in the consumption of substances
and therefore of the consequences that such addictive behavior brings (W
= -.677b, p = .498). Satisfaction with life increased after the intervention,
although it was not statistically significant (W = - 1.1198b, p = .231).
Similarly, the users' sense of life reported an increase after the intervention
(W = -1.186b, p = .236). The program was effective, achieving satisfactory
results, despite the fact that these were not statistically significant.
Apparently, the virtual modality used to implement the intervention was an
element that hindered achieving a relevant modification in the behaviors
that were being sought to transform. It is recommended for greater impact
in future intervention programs in the modification of addictive behavior
problems, to assume a face-to-face intervention format to guarantee
greater use of the training of therapeutic resources offered. At the same
time, it is strongly suggested to work intentionally and intensively on the
motivational component to ensure greater commitment and active
participation on the part of the participants during the cognitive- behavioral
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