2022, Number 2
Depression in grandparents informal caregivers of their grandchildren
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 545-567
PDF size: 396.59 Kb.
One of the health problems in the elderly population is depression, being women more prone to present this disorder than men. One factor related to this disorder is the performance of the informal caregiver role. The objective of the present study was to measure the prevalence of depressive symptomatology in grandmothers and grandfathers as informal caregivers of their grandchildren. Seventy-five elderly women and twenty-three elderly men, residents in Mexico City or in the Metropolitan area were evaluated. The Geriatric Depression Scale of Yesavage was applied, in its short version of 15 items. A questionnaire was used to obtain sociodemographic data. The results indicated that most of the total sample didn’t report depression. Nevertheless, a third part of it presented probable depression or established depression. The number of children looked after by the grandparents was from one to four, with schedules from two to twenty-four hours a day. Grandmothers perform several house chores aside from their role as a caregiver. Grandfathers perform mainly household management duties. The elderly person’s self-steem can be increased by the caregiver role, helping them to feel useful and capable to confront the retirement or widowhood in a better way. This population must count on support networks and rest.REFERENCES
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