2022, Number 44
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (44)
Characteristics of letters to the editor published in medical education journals edited in Spanish, 2015-2020
Dextre-Vilchez SA, Febres-Ramos RJ, Vásquez-Mercado RP, Ventura-Egoávil J
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 87-97
PDF size: 584.60 Kb.
Introduction: Readers express their comments in the
form of letters to the editor about previously published
articles, original research that does not reach the original
article, or general topics that require attention because of
their novelty. It has the possibility of receiving a response
in the form of a reply.
Objective: Describe the characteristics of the letters to
the editor published during the period 2015-2020 in the
journals of medical education in Spanish indexed in SciELO
or Scopus.
Method: A descriptive, retrospective, and bibliometric
study of the letters to the editor of the journals: Educación
Médica, Educación Médica Superior, Investigación en
Educación Médica y la Revista de la Fundación Educación
Médica. The period covered was from January 2015
to December 2020.
Results: The annual average of letters to the editor was
13.23%, with a minimum value of 6.58% in 2015 and a
maximum of 18.41% in 2018. The institutional affiliation of
universities was the most frequent (84.71%). The majority
of authors had Peruvian affiliation (43.80%) and the male
sex (78.93%). The letters written in Spanish were 99.59%.
In relation to the general purpose, the general comments
(42.56%) and comments on previously published articles
(40.50%) predominated. The average number of citations
was 4.24, with own findings having the highest average
at 6.39. Only 11 letters had replies. The average number
of authors was 2.02.
Conclusions: The publication of letters to the editor had
an increase over the years, its use as a means of criticism
is still frequent; however, feedback and exchange of ideas
through replication was not frequent.
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