2022, Number 44
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (44)
Indicators of academic performance and passing the National Exam for Medical Residencies in two curricular models
Arellano PVRD, Carrillo LJM, Hernández VCL, Arellano RDO, Arellano RDF, Galván ZRD
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 76-86
PDF size: 481.82 Kb.
Introduction: In Mexico, most medical students are interested
in accessing a specialty training course. The
general practitioner must present and pass the National
Exam for Medical Residencies (ENARM), which is
used annually and whose main objective is to select the
best scores that allow doctors to perform a medical specialty
in the hospitals available within the Mexican territory.
Many circumstances can influence the possibility
of being selected for a medical course specialty, such
as academic performance, student learning strategies,
socio-economic, psychological, and educational aspects,
among others.
Objective: This study aimed to identify and compare
academic performance indicators associated with the
accreditation of the national exam for the medical residency
course between two curricular models.
Method: This is a comparative cross-sectional study of
students of two curricular models in medicine. Variables
of academic performance in undergraduate studies and
the scores obtained in the national exam for the medical
residency course were analyzed.
Results: 329 students included. In general, academic
performance up to 5th grade (point grade average ≥ 87.61)
was associated with a significantly higher frequency of accredited
students (88.8%); the competency-based model
had a higher percentage (77.4%) of those accredited in
the national exam. The average grades of the bachelor’s
degree and ENARM were higher for the traditional curricular
model. A significant correlation was observed between
the general grade point average and the national medical
residency exam (r=585, p=0.000).
Conclusions: These results suggest that academic performance,
such as the bachelor grades and the averages
of the disciplinary areas, from the first to the fifth year of
the degree, are related to the probability of accrediting
and obtaining high scores in the national medical residency
exam. The competency based curricular model
favors the accreditation of the National Medical Residency
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