2022, Number 44
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (44)
Kinesiology Student’s Perceptions of 3D Applications for Human Anatomy Learning
D’Angelo VS, Airasca DA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 34-45
PDF size: 660.50 Kb.
Introduction: In a private university, some strategies were
proposed to reduce dropout levels at the introductory
courses, through innovations in subjects with a high number
of topics that show low academic performance. The
use of 3D applications for human anatomy learning was
proposed in a Kinesiology and Physiatry degree, with a
teaching strategy based on international recommendations
for 3D anatomy learning -such as the benefit of
canonical planes and spatial orientation references- and
in suggestions for collaborative learning.
Objective: Exploring Kinesiology Student’s perceptions
of 3D aplications for human anatomy learning through a
metacognitive collaborative teaching strategy.
Method: Exploratory study. TAM technology acceptance
questionnaire in Google Forms to 60 students of introductory
course of Kinesiology and Physiatry. The main
variables are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness.
Results: The results of the survey indicated a high general
acceptance of both applications. The perceived utility
is favorable in 82% and very favorable in 18%. The perceived
ease of use is favorable at 72% and unfavorable
at 28%. Some preference was shown for Visible Body in
the opinion poll (83.33% vs. 16.67%).
Conclusions: There is an overall positive perception of
the application manipulation with such a strategy. Given
the high probability of future use, further studies are feasible
to investigate the relationship between learning anatomical
concepts and the use of 3D applications.
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