2022, Number 44
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (44)
Telesimulation as a Teaching-Learning Strategy in Nutrition Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Trunce MST, Villarroel QGP, García AKI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 9-22
PDF size: 372.16 Kb.
Introduction: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, university
teaching had to adapt traditional teaching to emergency
remote education, looking for the best way to comply with
the graduate profile. Inthe Nutrition and Dietetics career
of a public university in southern Chile, the telesimulation
tool was used in the subject of adult diet therapy II, taught
in the seventh semester.
Objective: To determine the quality and satisfaction of
students in the Nutrition and Dietetics career when using
clinical telesimulation as a teaching and learning method
in the subject of adult diet therapy II, during the COVID-19
Method: The research design is quantitative, exploratory,
non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional. with a
non-probabilistic sample of 42 students who met the inclusion
criteria. The telesimulation applied was protocolized,
then the clinical simulation quality and satisfaction survey
and a self-assessment were applied to the students. The
statistical data were processed and the descriptive statistical
analysis was carried out, the answers to the open
question were analyzed qualitatively. The ethical aspects
of the research were safeguarded according to the ethical
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Results: in relation to the quality and satisfaction survey
in clinical simulation, they reported high satisfaction, with
75.87% of responses “strongly agree”. Telesimulation was
associated with the concepts of learning, competence,
strength and emotions.
Conclusions: Telesimulation is an afficient through
which theoretical and practical knowledge can be integrated
in a controlled learning environment, favoring the
achievement of skills. It is proposed that this strategy
be incorporated for the evaluation of the final learning
outcome of the subjects.
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