2021, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2021; 37 (2)
Assessment of a kinesthetic program for muscle strengthening in older adults with balance impartment
Labraña ZM, López OP
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-26
PDF size: 1814.64 Kb.
The increase in the older adult population is one of the great demographic changes in Chile, a reason why it is necessary to establish effective therapeutic approaches to prevent falls and, consequently, functional dependence in this age group.
To assess the efficacy of a kinesthetic program for the prevention of falls through lower limb muscle strengthening in adults over 65 years of age with impaired balance, in comparison with the conventional kinesthetic program.
Nonpharmacological randomized clinical trial including an experimental group and a control group, with 25 participants each. The modality of experimental treatment is more educational and participatory than the conventional one. The efficacy of each treatment was assessed based on the variation of static and dynamic balance parameters at the second and third months of treatment (main results). Secondary outcomes included strength, power, and leg-thigh diameter. The efficacy of both programs was assessed using the multilevel model; the variables time and treatment were considered.
There were significant improvements in static and dynamic balance parameters with both treatments. The efficacy of the experimental treatment was higher than the conventional one in parameters of muscular power and increase in diameters of both thighs and the left leg. The factor time of treatment contributed significantly to efficacy.
Both treatments improve balance parameters, but the experimental treatment is more effective regarding muscle power parameters. With its educational and participatory modality, this treatment could optimize results to prevent falls in the older adult at the primary level of care.
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