2022, Number 1
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Rev Hematol Mex 2022; 23 (1)
Economic evaluation of the use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists in adult patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia in Mexico
Carlos-Rivera F, Guzmán-Caniupan JA, Alva-Esqueda M, Aubry MT, Camacho-Cordero LM
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 17-27
PDF size: 298.23 Kb.
Objective: To compare, by an analytic decision-making model, both the costs and
effectiveness of romiplostim, eltrombopag and watch and rescue (W&R) in adult patients
with primary immune thrombocytopenia in Mexico.
Materials and Methods: A comparative analysis of costs and health outcomes
among two or more mutually exclusive interventions. We combined a decision tree
with a 24-weeks Markov process, examining the proportion of patients with overall
platelet response depending on the history of splenectomy and the received intervention.
Those patients without overall platelet response entailed a higher risk of
bleeding-related episodes. We evaluated the acquisition costs of the study agents plus
the costs of management of patients (consultations, laboratory tests), the costs due
to bleeding-related episodes (urgency/specialty visit or inpatient care, with potential
use of rescue therapies) and the treatment of serious adverse events. The clinical information
was gathered from literature, while the economic parameters correspond,
in general, to the Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Results: Total costs were lower with W&R ($177,545 Mexican pesos), followed by
romiplostim ($260,768) and eltrombopag ($271,738). The proportion of patients with
overall platelet response was by far much higher with romiplostim (84.7% vs 46.3%
with eltrombopag and 11.2% with W&R). The average cost per patient reaching overall
platelet response was lower (better) with romiplostim. Taking W&R as a reference,
the cost per additional patient with overall platelet response was lower (better) with
romiplostim than eltrombopag ($113,274 vs $268,245). The sensitivity analyses showed
the results are robust.
Conclusions: Romiplostim is cost-effective compared to W&R and dominant (less
costly and more effective) against eltrombopag.
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