2021, Number 4
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Rev Hematol Mex 2021; 22 (4)
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia and severe congenital protein C deficiency
Aragón-Abrantes AR, Sosa-Saez LE, Soria-Díaz M, Gómez-López M, Yumar-Díaz A, Adams-Villalón Y, Castillo-González DC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 218-224
PDF size: 253.25 Kb.
Background: Congenital protein C deficiency is a rare cause of hereditary thrombophilia,
its typical clinical symptoms are purpura fulminans and disseminated intravascular
coagulation. Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is the result of the transfer of maternal
alloantibodies that act directly against paternal antigens present on fetal platelets.
Clinical case: A female infant is presented with a diagnosis of neonatal alloimmune
thrombocytopenia and purpura fulminans due to a congenital protein C deficiency that
showed hematomas distributed throughout the body and intraparenchymal hemorrhage
during the first 48 hours after birth. She remained with severe thrombotic and hemorrhagic
manifestations despite treatment with platelet concentrate, high doses of gamma
globulin, fresh frozen plasma, protein C concentrate (Ceprotin) and fractionated heparin.
The evolution was torpid until death.
Conclusions: Two infrequent hematological diseases were concomitant in this
patient, which manifested in the most serious form and it is the first time it has been
reported in Cuba.
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