2022, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2022; 42 (3)
Method for predicting the probability of kidney transplantation for patients on the waiting list in Colombia
Zhang GC, Lamprea BN, López-Kleine L
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 225-239
PDF size: 972.08 Kb.
Introduction: The criteria for organ
distribution in Colombia establish an
initial local distribution, then regional
and finally national. In December
2019, 2,822 people were on the kidney
transplant waiting list in Colombia,
assigned mostly to the Bogotá and IPS
regions with the largest waiting lists.
This high concentration of patients
could be generating unwanted effects
on the opportunity that patients have to
receive a kidney transplant.
In this paper we seek to study, based
on synthetic data generated with the
information available from the INS,
the probability of organ allocation, identifying
the most informative variables and proposing a
method to calculate the probability of allocation
for a given patient on the waiting list of organs.
Material and methods: The adjustment of a model
based on decision trees is presented, which showed
a high precision and allows the prediction of the
probability of obtaining an organ.
Results: Time,
transplant IPS and blood group were identified
as the most informative variables. Likewise, there
are differences in the time it takes to obtain
kidney transplants between regions and between
transplanting IPS due to the effect of the size of
their waiting list.
Conclusions: The proposed
method allows us to identify the importance of the
variables that define obtaining an organ. Finally,
for a given patient, it is possible to estimate the
probability of being classified in one of the outcome
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