2022, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2022; 42 (3)
Prevalence of renal damage previous to the diagnosis of Fabry disease in Argentina
Jaurretche S, Antongiovanni N, Perretta F
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 215-224
PDF size: 586.67 Kb.
Kidney damage is one of the major
complications of Fabry disease
and its clinical presentation is
proteinuria and a progressive decrease
in glomerular filtration rate. The
frequency of renal damage prior to the diagnosis
of Fabry disease has been reported in the order
of 8.7% for men with “classic” Fabry disease, 3%
for men with “non-classic” Fabry disease, 1.4%
for women with “classic” Fabry disease and 0.7%
in women with “non-classic” Fabry disease, in
patients from Germany, the United Kingdom and
the Netherlands, with no information on this in
our country to date.
Objective: To evaluate the
frequency of kidney damage prior to the diagnosis
of Fabry disease in Argentina.
Material and
methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological study
conducted in three centers in Argentina.
Data from the first consultation of 72 patients
with Fabry disease were included; 44 (61.1%)
patients had kidney damage prior to diagnosis.
The independent variables that correlated with
statistical significance to “previous kidney
damage” were age (p=‹0.001), genotype (p=0.009)
and being diagnosed in adulthood (p=‹0.001).
No correlation was found between previous
kidney damage and the following independent
variables: gender (p=0.421), being an “index case”
(p=0.139), type of variant (classic/late) of Fabry
disease (p=0.107) and the enzymatic activity of the
lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase-A (p=0.916).
Conclusions: Kidney damage frequently occurs
prior to diagnosis in patients affected by Fabry
disease. In the presence of manifest nephropathy
due to a drop in the estimated glomerular filtration
rate or proteinuria of unknown cause, Fabry disease
should be considered as a differential diagnosis in
patients of both genders, both pediatric and adult.
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