2022, Number 5
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2022; 65 (5)
Exposing the Hepatotoxicity of Medicinal Plants: A Review of Copalchi Stem Bark (Hintonia latiflora)
Cervantes VME, Rojas LM, López VN, Fortoul GTI
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 20-29
PDF size: 325.74 Kb.
Approximately 80% of the world’s population uses various
medicinal plants for the treatment or control of various diseases,
whether acute or chronic, due to their accessibility
and low cost, observing in recent years an increase in consumption
without proper medical observation. Mexico is
considered the second most important country in the world
in terms of traditional medicine knowledge, only after China.
The use of medicinal plants has been reported since pre-Hispanic
times as a therapeutic option; however, the only focus
is on the curative part and it has not been considered that
plants have secondary metabolites (chemical compounds
produced by plants with biological activity in living beings)
that, besides having therapeutic effects, have toxic effects
in people who consume them, and in some cases reversible
effects are observed after suspending their consumption.
Copalchi or palo amargo is a medicinal plant obtained from
the bark of the
Hintonia latiflora tree (syn.
Coutarea latiflora),
which has been used mainly as an alternative treatment for
patients with type 2 diabetes, since it has been shown to
have a hypoglycemic effect. However, cases of acute hepatotoxicity
have been reported with an increase in hepatic
transaminases (ALT and AST) by the continuous consumption
of this bark. However, the processing of medicinal plants
using physical means (heating or boiling) can alter the pharmacological
activity of the organic constituents, which can
also be affected in their concentration depending on the
environmental factors of cultivation, soil location, humidity,
and environmental temperature, as well as the harvesting
season (stems, leaves, flowers, roots, seeds). The consumption
of this medicinal plant is by means of hot infusions or in
capsules with extract.
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