2022, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (5)
Sociocultural factors of vulnerability to overweight during the first years of life in Mexico
Orozco-Núñez E, Torres-de la Rosa C, Reséndiz-Lugo Ó, Pacheco-Miranda S, Chávez-Ayala R, Cerecer-Ortiz N, Arredondo-López A
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 515-521
PDF size: 241.95 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the role of socioeconomic and
culture factors on the vulnerability to obesity in mothers
and their two years’ old children, in urban communities of
Southern Morelos, Mexico.
Materials and methods.
We conducted fieldwork and non-participative observation.
During 2019, 17 semi-structured interviews were applied to
a sub-sample of a cohort. Data were ordered and analyzed
with the support of the Atlas-Ti v. 7 software, by using 18
free codes.
Results. Social factors like family income and
gender roles, combined with kinship influence and believings
about children’s supposed preference for ultraprocessed
products, are influencing on the availability of caloric meals
and beverages that generate vulnerability to obesity in early
childhood. Mothers’ economic activity, parents participation
and to prevent influence of relatives can create opportunities
for better quality meals and major physical activity.
The low availability of healthy meals, the risks of food
unsafety, and the familiar and culture factors, all of them as
part of the described socioeconomic context, increase the
vulnerability to obesity of mother-child binomial.
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