2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2021; 13 (2)
Chaos Culture
Lestayo OZ, Hernández CJL
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 597.88 Kb.
Chaos Theory, considered the third revolution in physics, has become a scientific method to address complex systems that cannot be explained by the traditional resources of science. Its field of application is increasingly wide, because complex thinking has offered solutions to numerous systems in nature, biology and very diverse spheres of life.
The objective of this work is to offer a general overview of the subject, from a non-strictly mathematical position. A literature review was carried out and the knowledge settled over time, by scholars and experts in the field, is exposed. An overview of Chaos Theory is offered, the conditions for its emergence, as well as its aspects and general properties expressed in its two dimensions: time (dynamic systems) and space (fractals). The concepts and definitions necessary to understand and speak of Chaos are made explicit in each case. In a second article, the main applications of this theory in medicine and in particular in the field of neurosciences will be exposed. For professionals in the health sector, it is a necessary challenge to become familiar with this new approach, understand its essence, principles and concepts, to acquire a culture of Chaos.
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