2021, Number 2
Automated system to determine the Global Cardiovascular Risk
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-13
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Introduction: The global cardiovascular risk is the probability that an individual has of contracting a cardiovascular disease in a period of time, based on the number of risk factors present in the same individual or taking into account the magnitude of each of them. Automated techniques in information processing achieve greater efficiency at work.Objectives: Design an automated system to determine global cardiovascular risk.
Methods: A technological innovation research consisting in the design of an automated system for the determination of the global cardiovascular risk was carried out. It was also made an analysis of the computational tools available for the realization of the system in order to determine which were the most appropriate in accordance with the objective of the system and the characteristics of the personnel in charge of its implementation and use. The tools for tabulation of information and formulas offered by the Excel program of the Microsoft Office 2013 package, were used. The design provides a very simple interface, easy to execute by the possible user.
Results: The system proposed has as main characteristic the simplicity of its use. It determines automatically the global cardiovascular risk, according to the Framingham risk tables by categories (Wilson), in its 1998 version and the WHO global cardiovascular risk prediction tables, for the AMR A region of 2008.
Conclusions: In order to facilitate the determination of the global cardiovascular risk, using Microsoft Excel, was carried out the design of an automated system.
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