2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2021; 13 (2)
System of recommendations on the evaluation of software development projects
Bron FB, Mar CO, Pérez PI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Currently there are organizations that assume a project management model as a structure. The increasing number of projects that are conceptualized and developed generates a large accumulation of data. However, the insufficient capacity for analysis and processing of the data generated makes it impossible to identify information that facilitates decision-making for the main managers.
This research proposes the development of a recommendation system that integrates the Linguistic Data Summarization (LDS).
Materials and methods:
The research highlights the use of empirical and theoretical scientific research methods. Through the historical-logical analysis, the investigations associated with the use of LDS for the construction of explanations of the recommendations were revealed. A survey was used to corroborate user satisfaction regarding the synthesis of the information stored in the data repository.
The generated recommendations increase the possibility that the users interpret the stored data from the integration with explanations constituted by linguistic summaries.
The obtained system was valued as very good to be applied to the decision-making problem on the evaluation of projects in software development centers.
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