2021, Number 1
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2021; 49 (1)
Results of Eustaquian tube dilation in adults with chronic tubal disfunction
Garcia-Rey T, González DA, Martinez-Bejarano HL, Caraballo JA, Prieto-Rivera JA, Lora JG
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 43-51
PDF size: 236.96 Kb.
Introduction: Endoscopic balloon dilation has been shown to be a therapeutic and
effective tool for the treatment of eustachian tube dysfunction. Now, the results in
the Colombian population are unknown. Aim: Describe the clinical improvement
of eustachian tube dilation in adult patients with chronic tubal dysfunction, in a
4th level complexity hospital in Bogotá.
Design: Retrospective observational study
with analytical component.
Methods: The clinical records of patients undergoing endoscopic
dilatation of the Eustachian tube were reviewed. Objective and subjective
changes in the postoperative period are described.
Results: 22 patients were obtained
between 18 and 66 years and follow-up from 6 to 22 months. 84.5 % underwent
bilateral intervention and 15.8 % unilaterally for a total of 38 operated ears. 60 %
achieved tympanogram normalization. There was improvement of middle ear pressures
from -102.5 to -3.5 daPa (
p = 0.005). Statistically significant improvement in
6/7 symptoms according to the severity scale and reduction of air-bone Gap in 7 dB
and 4 dB of airway PTA (
p = 0.249;
p = 0.711). Generating an average positive impact
of +32 on the quality-of-life scale according to the Glasgow Benefit Inventory
Conclusions: Eustachian tube dilation proves to be a safe and effective therapy
in an adult population with statistically significant improvements in the severity
of symptoms, and in middle ear pressures. Generating a positive impact on the scale
of quality of life according to the GBI.
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