2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (2)
Information needs about drugs and public health among doctors from a Mexican hospital
López GJS, Fernández ARA
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-34
PDF size: 517.27 Kb.
The purpose of the study was to identify the information needs about drugs and
public health among doctors from a Mexican hospital. A descriptive crosssectional
analysis was conducted in the year 2016 which was based on an expert
validated survey and a pilot study of 112 doctors. Participants were selected by
simple random sampling at a secondary hospital in Nayarit, Mexico. The
variables analyzed were information needs, information behavior and
satisfaction level. Of the doctors surveyed, 66.4% needed information related
to the drug treatment of their patients, whereas 63.3% needed population data.
Medical journals were the favorite source of information (70.4%) and obtained
the highest satisfaction score. 89.5% of respondents did not consult any
database or repository, and the most common reason was they did not have a
computer with Internet access at the workplace (62.4%). 76.8% considered that
their information needs were not satisfied by the resources and services
available at the hospital. The current information management status of the
doctors interviewed poses a risk to their professional updating, reducing the
possibility of prescribing rational treatments and taking efficient decisions.
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