2021, Number 2
Socio-demographic characteristics in older adults with polypharmacy
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 800.64 Kb.
Introduction: Nowadays, the world is facing population ageing and the increase of chronic diseases in this population which are tightly related to polypharmacy and constitute a challenge for the Cuban public health in the achievement of a satisfactorily longevity.Objective: Identify the main socio-demographic characteristics of older adults with polypharmacy.
Methods: It was carried out an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study in ´´Efrain Mayor Amaro´´ Polyclinic, located in Cotorro municipality during the period June-July, 2019. The sample was formed by 35 patients of 60 or more years admitted in the Traditional and Natural Medicine consultation and meeting the inclusion criteria. Those patients had a consumption of four or more drugs daily. The information was collected through the application of a survey under the principles of medical ethics, and included some sociodemographic variables as age, sex, marital status and type of coexistence.
Results: Polypharmacy was present in 52,2% of older adults; the ages from 70 to 79 years predominated, with married as marital status, and in women. As the age was higher, the number of men decreased and the widowhood increased (such condition is almost exclusive for women).
Conclusions: As risk factors for polypharmacy was the fact of being an older adult, the incidence in the female sex, the states of real and apparent solitude, and ages over 70 years. Although older adults might live with other people, it does not decrease the possibility that they consume more than four drugs daily.
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