2022, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2022; 33 (3)
Decrease in the risk of falls score through a physiotherapeutic intervention in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Solís-Ancona EP, Valadez-González N, García-Escalante MG, Vera Gamboa L, Estrella-Castillo DF, Maldonado-Rodriguez NC, Pavía-Ruz N, Valencia-Pacheco G
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 88-95
PDF size: 284.30 Kb.
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus (DM) has become an epidemic; in Mexico
12 million adults have it. The muscle weakness and loss of balance that
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) present affect the gait cycle,
which increases the risk of falls (RF). One of the strategies that has managed
to reduce RF in people living with T2D are physiotherapeutic interventions.
Objective. To determine the effect of a physiotherapeutic gait intervention
and the RF in adults with T2D.
Material and Methods. Prospective, longitudinal, quasi-experimental
study. A physiotherapeutic gait intervention was applied to adults with T2D,
including strengthening, stretching, balance and coordination exercises; the
ranges of movement (ROM), muscle strength (MS) (Daniels-Worthingham
scale), plantar footprint using the Hernández-Corvo index of the lower limbs
and RF score (TINETTI) were calculated.
Results. 21 adults, over 40 years of age, with a time of evolution of T2D of
13 ± 8 years participated; 85.76% were women, and 61.91% had obesity.
A physiotherapy gait intervention was performed including strengthening,
stretching, balance and coordination exercises. An increase in the ROM was
registered and a significant difference was observed in the comparison of
ranges of the MS variables in both lower limbs and the RF score decreased
by 25% (p‹0.005). The plantar footprint registered a change to the normal
type foot of 34% in the right and 14% in the left.
Conclusion: The increase
of the ROM, MS, balance, coordination and the modification of the plantar
footprint decreased the RF score in the participants of the present study.
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