2021, Number 4
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2021; 49 (4)
Clinical and therapeutic analysis to the chronic obstructive pathology of the salivary glands
Reig-Montaner E, Antón-Almero M, Ferrer-Ramírez MJ, Doménech-Máñez I, Gordillo-Gayo N, Torres-Roselló A, Faubel-Serra M
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 279-284
PDF size: 174.16 Kb.
Introduction: A large part of the population suffers from processes related to the
salivary glands, which with new advances in technology tends to be treated in a
minimally invasive way.
Goals: To highlight the indications and differences between
common and minimally invasive approaches, guided by the sialoendoscope. In
addition, to describe the clinical presentation and the study of these patients. Design:
We carried out a descriptive, observational, longitudinal and retrospective study on
a group of 67 patients diagnosed with non-tumorous chronic obstructive pathology
of the glands.
Material and methods: We review the data regarding age, sex, toxic
habits, associated systemic or autoimmune diseases, radiotherapy or treatment
with I131 (radioactive iodine), associated symptoms and results of the physical and
radiological examination carried out. As well as the given treatment. In May 2019
we incorporated the sialoendoscopy to the management of this pathology.
Since the incorporation of sialoendoscopy, cases of lithiasic pathology at the distal
1/3 of Wharton’s duct were approached by excision of the stone on the floor of the
mouth using sialoendoscopy. We perform diagnostic-therapeutic sialoendoscopy in
patients with non-lithiasic chronic obstructive symptoms.
Discussion: The minimally
invasive approach allows an earlier recovery with adequate glandular function
after surgery. It is not only useful in lithiasic pathology, but it also has good results in
autoimmune pathology.
Conclusion: Minimally invasive techniques have changed
management, limiting the neck open surgeries.
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