2022, Number 1
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2022; 26 (1)
Metabolic syndrome: a literature review
Fragozo-Ramos MC
Language: Spanish
References: 89
Page: 47-62
PDF size: 253.46 Kb.
Metabolic syndrome is a clinical condition that includes a group of cardiometabolic
abnormalities such as hypertension, central obesity, insulin resistance,
and atherogenic dyslipidemia. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has
increased in recent years in the world, representing a public health problem because
it directly increases between two and six times the risk of cardiovascular diseases
and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lifestyle changes can reverse the components
of metabolic syndrome, but pharmacological intervention is sometimes necessary
for tighter control of risk factors. This article aims to explain clearly and precisely the
general aspects of metabolic syndrome in adults.
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