2022, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (09)
Recommendations for continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant patients with type 1, 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus
Martínez-Portilla RJ, Medina-Jiménez V, Cruz-Rodríguez IV, Reyes-Muñoz E, Chinolla-Arellano Zl, Galeana-Corrales E
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 756-768
PDF size: 248.69 Kb.
Objective: To issue recommendations for the surveillance and follow-up of pregnant
patients with types 1, 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus based on the experience of a
group of experts and on what is reported in the literature, from the perspective of the
Mexican health system.
Materials and Methods: A modified Delphi Panel methodology was performed,
through consensus among gynecology, reproductive biologist, and fetal-maternal specialists,
and an 80% consensus of all participants.
Results: Based on the consensus exercise, we recommend continuous glucose monitoring
in all pregnant patients with type I and II diabetes starting on the first trimester;
meanwhile in patients with gestational diabetes, continuous monitoring should be
considered in patients treated with insulin or uncontrolled glycemia, starting in the
second or third trimester, depending on the moment of diagnosis, glycemic levels and
insulin requirements, taking into account HbA1c levels and time in range as well as
glycemic control metrics.
Conclusions: Continuous glucose monitoring has advantages including the reduction
of perinatal complications, timely detection, reduction in the number of hyper/
hypoglycemia events, fewer uncontrolled patients, and the capacity for insulin dosage
adjustments and improvement of habits for glucose control.
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