2022, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (4)
Clinical use of neurotropic B vitamins in diseases of the peripheral nervous system in Mexico and Central America
Calderón-Ospina Carlos-Alberto, Franco-González HG, Leal-Martínez F, Orozco-Vázquez AH, Plascencia-Pérez S, Sánchez-Mijangos JH
Language: Spanish
References: 84
Page: 887-902
PDF size: 280.21 Kb.
Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by multiple factors and manifest in various symptoms.
It is often misdiagnosed if routine or time is lacking, particularly in primary care.
Neurotropic B vitamins (B
1, B
6 and B
12) are widely used to improve nerve function.
This review summarizes the clinical use of neurotropic B vitamins in the treatment of
peripheral neuropathy and B vitamin deficiency in Mexico and Central America and
highlights the need of an early diagnosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy. The
content is based on an Advisory Board meeting in Mexico City in 2019 with the aim of
better understanding the regional use of high-dose B vitamin products and developing
a consensus statement providing guidance for healthcare professionals. Experts from
multiple specialties and several Latin American countries, experienced in treating patients
with peripheral neuropathy and B vitamin deficiency, gave insights on established
regional practices in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy.
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