2022, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (4)
Antisynthetase syndrome. Diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment. The evidence so far
Alemán-Fernández CG, Alagón-Fernández CP
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 840-846
PDF size: 199.43 Kb.
In 1992, the concept of antisynthetase syndrome was proposed for the first time, an
autoimmune disease included on the inflammatory myopathies. It is characterized by
interstitial lung disease, non-erosive arthritis, myositis, Raynaud syndrome, fever of
unknown origin and mechanic’s hands. There are 10 known antisynthetase antibodies,
anti-Jo-1 is the most prevalent. Since 1975, criteria to classify the inflammatory
myopathies were established, but in 2010 the criteria for the diagnosis of antisynthetase
syndrome were published by Connors et al. At present, specific antibodies,
clinical findings and muscle disease criteria need to be met for the diagnosis of
antisynthetase syndrome, considered a different disease than dermatomyositis and
polymyositis. It has been reported that clinical findings will differ among patients
according to the type of antibody present or positive. There are no international
consensus nor randomized trials for the management of patients with antisynthetase
syndrome, but there are case reports of positive outcomes in patients treated with
different immunomodulatory drugs.
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