2022, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (4)
Probability of death 24 hours after admission to the emergency department in patients with septic shock
Ríos-Jaimes F, Figueroa-Rivera M, Villarreal-Ríos E, Martínez-González L, Vargas-Daza ER, Galicia-Rodríguez L
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 767-776
PDF size: 200.67 Kb.
Objective To identify, based on delta CO
2 (ΔpCO
2), the probability of death within
24 hours of admission to the emergency department in patients with septic shock.
Materials and Methods: Cases and controls nested in a cohort in patients with
septic shock in the emergency department. Cases, patients who died within 24 hours
of admission to the emergency department; controls, patients who did not die 24 hours
after admission. The veno-arterial difference in carbon dioxide or delta CO
2 (ΔpCO
was calculated on admission to the emergency department with the formula ΔpCO
2 =
2, it was measured on a discrete scale and subsequently grouped into two
categories (reference point 6). Age was measured in years, stratifying in decades and
subsequently in two groups (reference point 60).
Results: The sample size was 25 cases and 55 controls. When the discrete scale delta
2 value and the patient’s age in decades were used to estimate the probability of
death in patients with septic shock seen in the emergency department, the model was
significant (χ
2 = 36.70, p = 0.000). The probability of death was 92.1% when the delta
2 value was 9 and age 80 or more years.
Conclusions: The model integrated by ΔpCO
2 and age predicts the probability
of dying within 24 hours of admission to the emergency department in patients with
septic shock.
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