2022, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (4)
D dimer concentration variation as predictor of mortality in patients with COVID-19
Ontiveros-Austria JL, González-Rodríguez KT, Reyes-Rodríguez EA, Vicencio-Lomelí E, Sánchez-Sánchez JM, Velázquez-Guevara BA, Andoney-Mayén JV, Valdez-Vargas G, Hernández-Patiño EJ, Aranda-Hernández YS, Rodríguez-López RG
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 760-766
PDF size: 226.86 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the D dimer levels after the admission of patients with COVID-
19 and to stablish cut-off points that are associated with more complications.
Materials and Methods: Prospective study with inpatients with severity criteria
that compared the D dimer levels at admission and 48 hours later; mean D dimer
concentrations were evaluated and cut-off points were stablished.
Results: Considering D dimer 48 hours after admission, patients that did not survive
had mean levels of 5380 ng/mL versus 1811.3 ng/mL among those that survived (p
‹ 0.005); a cut-off point of 1725 ng/mL was stablished that predicted mortality with
sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 63%, and negative predictive value of 89.4%. In
the group of patients that required invasive mechanical ventilation, mean D dimer was
4672.2 ng/mL versus 1652.6 ng/mL in those who did not need it (p ‹ 0.001) and a cut-off
point of 1770 ng/mL was calculated which predicted invasive mechanical ventilation
with sensitivity of 84.6%, specificity of 63%, and negative predictive value of 89.4%.
Conclusions: D dimer concentrations after 48 hours of admission can discard the
development of complications, so its determination may be useful for determining the
adverse evolution risk.
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