2022, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (4)
An approximation to the consumption of some recommended and non-recommended foods in the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico
Lozano-Hidalgo E, Hernández-Fernández M, Gaitán-Rossi P, Vilar-Compte M
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 357-366
PDF size: 270.53 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the frequency of consumption of
some recommended and non-recommended food groups
during the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico, and their association
with sociodemographic characteristics and food security.
Materials and methods. We used the Survey on the
Effects of Covid-19 on the wellbeing of Mexican households
(Encovid-19). We identified four groups with information
about the frequency of their consumption, and estimated
logistic regression models adjusted for sociodemographic
characteristics and food security.
Results. Higher socioeconomic
levels A/B and C were associated with higher frequency
of consumption of recommended and non-recommended
food groups. Mild food insecurity was associated with lower
consumption of recommended food groups, while moderate
and severe food insecurity were associated with lower
consumption of all food groups.
Conclusions. Understanding
the experience of food insecurity during a crisis as the
pandemic of Covid-19, may indicate the need to expand
public programs and include groups who are not traditional
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