2021, Number 2
Bronchial asthma Nursing graduates' learning needs
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 385-397
PDF size: 159.11 Kb.
Introduction: Asthma is a psychosomatic disease that reduces the quality of life of those who suffer from it, and has the risk of progressing in intensity until it produces damage and permanent disability. This text collects the experiences of a study whose objective was aimed at identifying the learning needs of the Nursing graduates of the Educational Polyclinic Reinol García, of the Versalles popular council, belonging to the Matanzas municipality, of the Cuban province of the same name; about the management of the patient with bronchial asthma.Method: The aforementioned study had a descriptive exploratory nature, deployed as part of the National Program for the Prevention of bronchial asthma during the 2019-2020 period, about the learning needs of these personnel for the management of such health situation. The universe was made up of 31 graduates, who work in the medical offices and in the polyclinic involved in the research. An instrument designed by a group of experts was applied in the manner of an exam or written test by qualified personnel, with an anonymous character and with prior informed consent, on epidemiological, epistemological and practical theoretical aspects.
Results: There were deficiencies and gaps in knowledge related to the subject, from which professional improvement strategies were derived.
Discussion: The findings found in the experimental stage are corroborated with the results and criteria issued by specialists and academics who have delved into the treatment of the subject.
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