2022, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (08)
Conservative surgical management of interstitial pregnancy, with a history of ipsilateral salpingectomy. Report of a case
Camacho-Ríos CE, Tovar-Galván V, Illanes-Guzmán ES, Vital-Reyes VS
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 701-705
PDF size: 246.79 Kb.
Background: The surgical procedure of interstitial pregnancy can be complicated
by bleeding that is difficult to control; for this reason, in recent years, techniques that
allow hemostatic control to have been used, thus reducing morbidity and mortality
related to the procedure.
Objective: To describe the process to establish the diagnosis and decide the conservative
surgical treatment in a patient with interstitial pregnancy with a history of
homolateral salpingectomy and desire for uterine preservation.
Clinical case: 27-year-old patient, with a history of one childbirth, three miscarriages
and a previous ectopic pregnancy, with left salpingectomy. She came for consultation
due to a seven-week menstrual delay and acute pelvic pain. In view of the suspicion
of ectopic pregnancy, the diagnostic protocol was integrated. The quantification of the
β-fraction of chorionic gonadotropin hormone was 8962 mlU/mL, the transvaginal
ultrasound reported an image compatible with gestational sac towards the left horn
region and probable hemoperitoneum. At exploratory laparotomy, hemoperitoneum
and left interstitial pregnancy were found. To preserve fertility, a double ligation of the
left uterine artery at the level of the uterine isthmus and the utero-ovarian ligament and
resection of the interstitial gestational sac with cornuostomy was performed.
Conclusion: Interstitial pregnancy is an obstetric emergency with a high risk of
rupture and hemorrhage, fortunately rare. Ligation of the uterine arteries, prior to surgical
ablation of the gestational sac, is an individualized alternative in patients with
this complication.
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