2022, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2022; 24 (3)
Association Between Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Early Detection and its implementation in Family Medicine
Figueroa-García J, Ortíz-Montenegro A, Figueroa-Hernández MF
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 159-164
PDF size: 138.56 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the association between the awareness of diabetes and hypertension early detection and its actual implementation
at Primary Care.
Method: An observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out in 1009 adult patients from a Family
Medicine Unit in Mexico City. To determine this association sociodemographic data were collected alongside diabetes and hypertension
early detection awareness data using a structured questionnaire. Variables with statistical significance were included in a multivariate
binary logistic regression model to adjust the odds ratio.
Results: An association between not being aware and not performing screening
tests was found with values of OR=33.9; 95%; CI=21.6-53.2 for diabetes mellitus and OR=50.4; 95% CI=28.5-89.1 for hypertension, an
association with being female was also found with values of OR=3.7; CI=95% 2.4-5.8 for diabetes mellitus and OR=2.5; CI=95% 1.6-3.9
for hypertension.
Conclusions: There is a significant probability that lack of early diagnosis awareness activities and not carrying them
out are associated in patients with diabetes and hypertension. Strengthen timely diagnosis awareness activities in the primary care population
is necessary.
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