2021, Number 3
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Biotecnol Apl 2021; 38 (3)
Effect of BAP and immersion time on shoot multiplication of Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex Wendl in temporary immersion system
Garcia RY, Freire SM, Barbón R, Torres GS
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 3201-3205
PDF size: 333.01 Kb.
Plants of Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex Wendl are a viable option to generate environmental, social and economic benefits. However, there are problems in the propagation via organogenesis of this species such as the low in vitro multiplication coefficient, which limits its propagation. The research was aimed to determine the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine and the immersion time on the multiplication, morphophysiology and biochemistry of B. vulgaris shoots in temporary immersion systems. Morphophysiological and biochemical variables were evaluated in shoots grown at different BAP concentrations (0; 6.6; 13.2 and 26.4) at immersion times of one, two or three minutes, for 30 days of cultivation. In those systems, the lower concentration of BAP (6.6 μM) and immersion time of two minutes favored the emission of new shoots. It was associated with an increase in the content of total chlorophylls, lignin and total phenols in shoots. Based on these results, a protocol was established for the propagation via organogenesis of B. vulgaris plants in Temporary Immersion Systems, with a high emission of new shoots in vitro, which can be applied to other bamboo species.
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