2018, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2018; 13 (1)
Who is (R)? A Consideration Regarding Identity from the First Human Head Transplant
Guardo GY
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 67-81
PDF size: 228.26 Kb.
The current development of biomedical technologies has contributed extraordinarily to the well-being of humanity,
and we therefore hope that it will continue to do so. However, this same development has produced
new risks for integrity and what we assume as the identity of the human being, placing it as a central point
in public debates on ethics, aesthetics and health. The body, which is explicitly a territory of strategic dispute,
is the place where vast techno-scientific transformations are expressed, becoming an essential part of current
bioethical dilemmas that encompass human life from birth and development to death. Among these debates
we can highlight the controversies that have taken place around issues such as abortion, euthanasia, assisted
procreation, genetic manipulation, and the first cephalic exchange in humans. The following article makes an
ethical-philosophical reflection on the implicit notion of identity from the first human head transplant. For
this, the historical aspects that preceded the first surgical attempt to transplant a human head are presented
in a clear and succinct way, followed by the technical peculiarities of the procedure. Finally, the ethical-philosophical
reflection is emphasized, with the purpose of manifesting a concern for man and the risk of being
modeled in the image of technical objects.
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