2018, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2018; 13 (1)
Bioethical Signification Of Diversity, Solidarity And Justice Arround The Obligation Conflict Set In Biotechnological Agencie On Creole Zoogenetic Resourses
Serrano NCA
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 8-65
PDF size: 372.43 Kb.
Animal biotechnologies applied on creole zoogenetic resourses, wich are ussually related with vulnerable populations
in Colombia, have been thought in relation with veterinarian obligation conflict in order to re-think
strategies that could conduce to preserve both social and environmental integrity. This issue is not resolved
by traditional ethics due to a classical dicotomic approach between society and nature pressent in current and
available theories. The aim of this work was to re-significate three recurrent concepts in ethical issues involving
techno-science: Diversity, Solidarity and Justice under the scopus of Potter’s Global Bioethics, involving
critical review of literatures and contributions emerging from animal biotechnologists throught a methodology
based on empirical turn of biethics on the way to contribute with some concepts and approaches to intent solve
these obligations conflicts under bioethical criteria.
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