2022, Number 43
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (43)
The emergence of Physioterapy in México from rehabilitation on the XX century
Suárez BX, Rodríguez PME
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 108-120
PDF size: 621.24 Kb.
This article is the product of a review of historical literature
that analyzes the emergence and development of
physiotherapy in México since its prevenience as a part
of rehabilitation sciences until reach its own independence
during the process of transformation it to a professionalization
discipline in the XX century. The analysis of
the reflections upon the reviewed documents and the
interviews made to people that were part of the historical
process are sort out under the next premises: first, the
historical analysis of the social, institutional and scientific
processes that bring on the emergence of physiotherapy
as an independent profession secondary from rehabilitation
upon the transfer of knowledge of western Europe to
America under the model of George Basalla1. Second, the
theorical tensions and joints between rehabilitation medicine
and physiotherapy that were involved in the process
for considering physiotherapy a profession with a lack
of scientific knowledge, therefore physiotherapist were
not recognized as an autonomic professional with own
identity for its practice. Finally the change of paradigms
in health models, such as the biopsychosocial model, the
evolution of rehabilitation concepts such as the incorporation
of International Classification of Functioning Disability
and Health (ICF) promoted by World Health Organization
as a conceptual frame that permits a global view of the
functioning of the individuals in a context that includes the
emergence of new professions such as physiotherapy un
which multidisciplinary work among health professionals,
permits to consolidate aspects of identity and autonomy
of the profession.
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