2022, Number 43
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (43)
Medical training and death: a descriptive study on the emotional impact in palliative care
Ruiz RS, Salazar TNV, Medina-Mora IME
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 82-89
PDF size: 453.91 Kb.
Introduction: The social service in palliative care aims
for doctors in the last stage of training in the Bachelor
of Medical Surgeon to integrate a vision of care towards
people who face diseases that limit or threaten their lives.
Coping with death represents emotional and existential
challenges, however, improve training in palliative care
can promote self-competence in working with death.
Aim: This study aim to evaluate the self-competence to
work with death in undergrate doctors, before and after
performing social service in a palliative care unit, as well
as depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms
Method: The emotional and existential dimension of selfcompetence
in death work was evaluated in 25 undergrate
doctors from two generations of the Rotary social
service in Palliative Care of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine,
before starting the social service and at the end of
it. The spanish versio of Self-competence in Death Work
Scale (SC-DWS), the Beck Depression Inventory (IDB)
and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (IAB) were used in this
study. Descriptive statistics and Student’s t test for related
samples were used.
Results: In the participants of the 2019 generation, a
statistically significant increase was observed in the total
score of the SC-DWS, in its existencial and emotional
subscales and in depressive symptoms. In the participants
of the 2020 generation, a decrease was observed
in the total score of the SC-DWS and in the existencial
and emotional subscales.
Conclusion: This study provides evidence of the relevance
of training in palliative care in undergraduate doctors
to increase self-competence in death work, especially
in highly stressful contexts due to its relationship with
death processes such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
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