2022, Number 43
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (43)
Reading habits and their associated factors in medical students of a Peruvian university
Dextre-Vilchez SA, Tapia-Mayta AF, Bernaola-Palacios JD, Morán-Landeo LE, Best N
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 63-71
PDF size: 469.16 Kb.
Introduction: Reading implies understanding, interpreting
or reflecting on the meaning of something written with
the aim of intellectual development and communication
skills. So it is important that the medical student have a
good reading habit in order to acquire critical reading
skills to assess the quality of the evidence.
Objective: To determine the factors associated with reading
habits in medical students at Universidad Peruana
Los Andes.
Method: Observational, analytical and transversal study.
A questionnaire was applied to 248 students from the first
to the fifth year of their studies, consisting of two parts: the
first on sociodemographic characteristics, academic and
factors that influence reading and the second contained
the assessment of reading habit. To determine the association,
the Chi-square and t Student tests were used.
In addition, crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were
calculated using generalized linear models.
Results: Of the 248 students, most had a good reading
habit (69.3%). The female sex had a better reading habit
(74.4%) (p = 0.016) and the male had a bad reading habit
(RPc:1.43; IC95%:1.01-2.05). On the other hand, the main
reason for academic reading had a significant association
with good reading habits (RPc:2.78; IC95%:1.59-4.86).
Finally, in the adjusted analysis, the latter was the only one
with statistical significance (RPa:2.84; IC95%:1.67-4.82).
Conclusions: The good reading habit was the most frequent.
The associated factors were the male sex and the
main academic motivation. It is recommended to take
measures to improve reading habits through workshops
or the formation of reading clubs
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