2021, Number 2
Interrelation between Comprehensive Dentistry discipline and ways of professional performance. Dentistry major
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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In Dentistry major, the evolution of the study plans responds to the historical context. The Comprehensive Dentistry integrating discipline comprises 20 subjects and is the central axis of the formative process. Education at work is the predominant form of teaching organization to achieve a graduate who meets the needs demanded by Cuban society. A qualitative research was carried out in the field of Medical Education with the objective of analyzing the interrelation that exists between the integrating discipline and the modes of action of the professional in the Dentistry major. The teaching-learning process is developed with an interdisciplinary, systemic and integrative approach. The integrating discipline ensures the acquisition of the students' modes of action to develop the activities proposed in the professional's model, thanks to its interrelation with other disciplines and subjects included in the improved D curriculum.REFERENCES
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