2021, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (2)
Typology for complications of thyroid sugery in Science, Tecnology and Society studies
Solarana OJA, Guzmán LDJ, Santiesteban CN, Rodríguez PY, Reynaldo GMÁ, Torres GA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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In order to properly prevent and provide an accurate treatment for possible complications related to thyroid surgery, it is necessary to have an elementary level of theoretical and practical knowledge. A relevant aspect to this end is to be able to classify these complications. A documentary study in the Pubmed database was carried out, aiming at modeling a typology for these complications. A total of 256 publications on the subject were reviewed and it was concluded that most authors do not classify them, they only reckon the most frequent ones, and 29.1% classify them as precocious or late. No evidence of their nature and lethality was assessed.The modeling of the typology proposed in this research contributed to determine the teaching, economic and social significance this subject has for the surgeon, in harmony with the essential contribution to society through the early recovery of the non-complicated patient. Therefore, this research is a social organizational technology for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of those complications and provided a possible solution to the gaps in the existing traditional classifications as a contribution to the relation between science, technology and society.
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